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Wellbeing and Behaviour for Learning

Sherington Primary School has an extremely effective Behaviour for Learning Policy which is reviewed with all staff at the beginning of each academic year.

The policy is based on the importance of fostering self-esteem, principles of equal opportunities and mutual respect shown to all adults and children. We strongly believe in recognising and rewarding positive attitudes towards learning and all aspects of school life. This ethos results in a calm, purposeful environment where children learn and flourish.

Strategies and procedures are consistent throughout the school from Nursery through to year 6. Each child is aware that adults have the highest expectations of their achievement and behaviour.

All adults work together to support children and raise their self-confidence by:

  • Listening to their views
  • Encouraging  them to achieve
  • Developing hidden talents
  • Supporting them to organise their time
  • Helping them understand the work they have to do
  • Helping them manage pressures in their lives
  • Helping them to develop their social skills

Our Pupil Wellbeing Team offer:

  • One to one mentoring
  • Group work – focussing on particular issues e.g. Friendship groups
  • Supporting new children and transition work
  • Concentration and focus
  • Anger management
  • Social skills
  • Support during playt