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Friends of Sherington

Friends of Sherington is the school’s group for parents and carers. The aim of the group is to bring the wider school community together by supporting the school and nursery through fundraising activities.

All parents and carers of children attending the school are automatically members of the Friends of Sherington and are very welcome to join the meetings, and become involved in activities. Any help will be very gratefully received.

We are an active group and have organised – for example – cake sales, a pub quiz, winter fairs and Christmas cards, stay and play events and every year, we hold our popular Summer Fair. Events have raised valuable funds for the school and provide informal occasions for families to come together (and have fun).

The money raised goes towards purchasing equipment or helping to fund events and initiatives. This has included financially supporting visits from external groups such as theatre companies, a trip to the local pantomime, cooking equipment, Arts Week and much more.

If you would like to be involved with Friends of Sherington, please come along to our next friendly meeting. We always love to see new faces and our regular meetings are advertised in the school newsletter – or email to find out more information: