Curriculum Intent
Sherington Primary School is at the heart of an area with a rich culture and history, and we use this as a basis for a curriculum that focuses on academic rigour, celebrates diversity and utilises wider curriculum opportunities whilst supporting the pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. We endeavour to nurture happy, fulfilled and healthy children who understand self and others well.
The curriculum is something of which we are extremely proud. Whilst following the National Curriculum 2014 documentation, it is bespoke and designed to complement the school’s ethos, values and philosophy. It is constantly evolving so as to meet the needs of an ever changing world and not losing sight of its intent: to ensure that all children, particularly the most disadvantaged and those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) or high needs, have access to a well-designed, ambitious programme that offers the knowledge, skills and cultural capital they need to succeed in life.
We understand the importance of a curriculum that ensures breadth, balance and depth. Ours is coherently planned and sequenced, taking prior learning into account – being both challenging and reflective of the children in our school setting. It is underpinned by understanding that all can achieve success; appreciating that character is key; recognising that strong, authentic community links enhance learning opportunities.
Because we value equity, ethical practice and the importance of offering as wide a knowledge base as possible, our curriculum offer is never narrowed (specialising only when absolutely necessary). Children are exposed to learning that requires engagement, discussion, reflection, inquisitiveness, personal responsibility, self-regulation, struggle, tolerance and an openness to change. This list is certainly not exhaustive.
School leaders, subject leaders, teachers and support staff are highly-trained and provided with opportunities to improve both pedagogical and subject knowledge, and behaviour management. They are supported and performance managed in line with targets pertaining to the school’s development plan. All adults are held to account.
Skills and knowledge are taught discreetly so that pupils gain clarity of understanding of each subject. However, the curriculum is designed to embed transferable skills.
Feedback is an integral part of the teaching and learning process, with planning and delivery being responsive to the needs of all chlidren.
Assessment, in all its forms, is of critical importance with children’s understanding checked systematically and misconceptions identified accurately, and addressed.
Teachers plan well-structured lessons that promote appropriate discussion about the subject being taught.
Teaching is designed to help children to remember in the long term the content they have been taught. New knowledge is integrated successfully.
Classroom environments support, stimulate and inspire. They are safe and inclusive spaces that promote excellence and the joy associated with learning.
The resources and materials that teachers select are carefully chosen to scaffold learning effectively and reflect ambitious intentions.
Parents and carers, and other stakeholders, are aware of how we deliver our curriculum.
Impact is monitored throughout the year, with triangulation used to build a picture of the whole child and the entire picture. Learning is measured through careful analysis of application of skills across the curriculum. Formal and informal assessment practices equip leaders, subject leaders, teachers and support staff with data. The impact of our curriculum is seen in:
The curriculum and equality
The curriculum is designed to be accessed by all children who attend the school. All staff members take seriously their responsibility to promote equality and uphold the protected characteristics of: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation (Equality Act 2010).
If a child has diagnosed special needs, all staff work rigorously to meet individual needs and as a school, we comply with the requirements set out in the SEND Code of Practice. We provide additional resources and support for those with special needs. The SEND Policy offers further clarification.
When a child displays signs of having special needs (undiagnosed), their teacher makes an assessment of this need in partnership with the Inclusion Manager. In most instances, the teacher is able to provide the resources and educational opportunities that meet the child’s needs within usual daily class organisation. However, if a child’s need is more complex, we consider the child for statutory assessment and involve the appropriate external agencies.
We are aware of the need to ensure that the curriculum meets the needs of Pupil Premium pupils and contributes to them making accelerated progress in order to narrow the gap between them and their non-pupil premium peers. The Pupil Premium Policy statement explains in greater detail the school’s approach to meeting the needs of this group of children.
We are aware of the importance of the physical development of all children, and our role in supporting them to live healthy, active lives, and hence, the PE and Sport Premium is used to maximum effect to ensure that all have access to at least 30 minutes of physical activity during the school day, alongside high-quality PE provision taught by confident and knowledgeable specialists and teachers, and opportunities to experience and participate in a wide range of sports and physical activities.
Curriculum Overviews
At Sherington, we have a broad and balanced curriculum that covers all the objectives and requirements of the National Curriculum programmes of study. We value all areas of learning and believe that children thrive when extending their understanding, knowledge and skills through a wide-ranging array of learning opportunities.
You can see the content of the curriculum for each year group below:
If you require a paper copy of any document on the website, please speak to the school office staff.
Sherington Nursery Newsletter Autumn 2023
Sherington Reception Newsletter Autumn 2023
Sherington Year 1 Newsletter Autumn 2023
Sherington Year 2 Newsletter Autumn 2023
Sherington Year 3 Newsletter Autumn 2023
Sherington Year 4 Newsletter Autumn 2023
Sherington Year 5 Newsletter Autumn 2023
Sherington Year 6 Newsletter Autumn 2023
Sherington Nursery Newsletter Spring 2024
Sherington Reception Newsletter Spring 2024
Sherington Year 1 Newsletter Spring 2024
Sherington Year 2 Newsletter Spring 2024
Sherington Year 3 Newsletter Spring 2024
Sherington Year 4 Newsletter Spring 2024