During the week commencing 31st October, children celebrated Healthy Eating Week. Please see a snapshot of the learning that took place in years 1 – 6 by looking at the recipe book. In it, you will see the recipes that were followed and photographs of both skills experienced and deliciously tasty outcomes sampled. Please click here: Sherington Recipe Book
Healthy Eating Week celebrates and promotes healthy eating as well as food provenance, cooking and being active. This year brought with it the challenge of how to mark this event under the circumstances we currently find ourselves in. Despite the apparent setback of not being able to cook in school in the same way, we were gifted the opportunity to put an entirely new spin on the week.
This year, we wanted to highlight the diversity of healthy foods that we enjoy and what these dishes say about our school community. The food we eat is an important part of our identity and tells a story about where we have come from. Family recipes are handed down through generations and new delicacies are discovered, each with their own interesting origins.
We asked children to spend the week in the kitchen, helping their families to prepare healthy meals. The response that we received was truly inspiring and demonstrated the children’s deep appreciation for the food that they enjoy as well as where it has come from and what it says about who we are.
What our children said about their dishes:
“I like my healthy meal, because it is yummy and quick to make it. It is healthy and contains protein, vitamins and minerals.”
Pupil in 2H
“I really like this dish (Oyako Don) as it’s tasty and I like Japanese food a lot. It’s one of my favourite things to make for me and my sister. The dish is healthy because the chicken and eggs were cooked in the dashi and chicken stock, and it has rice in it. I only added a pinch of sugar as the mirin was sweet enough.
Pupil in 3M
“Spices are good for my immune system. Vegetables give me vitamins and minerals and help me grow. Rice is a carbohydrate so it gives me energy and keeps me full. Fish is a protein so it helps me grow and omega 3 is good for my brain.”
Pupil in 3B