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Languages Afternoon

On Monday 1st July, Sherington celebrated a ‘Language Afternoon’ to open our diversity week. Sixteen languages were shared across the school by parents, pupils and staff through songs, games and presentations. Pupils, parents and staff were really positive about sharing and learning a new language.

“It was interesting to learn a new language.” (Year 4 child)

“Why did it have to end?” (Year 2 child)

“Wonderful! It was great seeing the parents getting involved and enjoying themselves.” (Miss Truscott)

“Hopefully there will be a repeat so we can build on what we started.” (Parent volunteer)

“I enjoyed the opportunity of speaking my language and talking about it to the children.” (Parent volunteer)

“Having my child show such pride for our home language was amazing.” (Parent volunteer)

“I love learning French in school and I just want to learn even more languages.” (Year 6 pupil)

“Seeing the children take an interest in other languages and asking such deep questions about other cultures was impressive.” (Parent volunteer)

It has been a pleasure to celebrate the rich diversity of our school community.